What You Need to Know About the Russia and Ukraine Conflict

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What You Need to Know About the Russia and Ukraine Conflict

On February 24th, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian military forces to invade Ukraine. This most recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine has escalated the Russo-Ukrainian War that stems back to 2014 when Russia invaded and annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. In this article, we’ll explain exactly what is happening in Ukraine, why it is happening, and the consequences of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

What Is Happening?

Russian military forces have invaded Ukraine and attacked from the land, air, and sea as part of the largest militarization in Europe since World War II. They have taken over areas in the northern, southern, and eastern regions of the country. Russian forces are also closing in on the capital city of Kyiv, continuing to bombard it and other Ukrainian cities. This recent escalation of the Russia and Ukraine conflict has already resulted in extensive destruction, countless injuries, and thousands of deaths.

Why Is It Happening?

It’s unclear exactly what the end goal of this invasion is for Russia. Currently, President Vladimir Putin is claiming that it is not an invasion or an act of war, while also asserting that Ukraine has been taken over by extremists. 

He even went as far as to say that he is aiming for the "demilitarization and de-Nazification" of Ukraine, and that Russia “could not feel safe, develop, and exist” due to the alleged threat of modern Ukraine. However, there has been no genocide in Ukraine, and its president—Volodymyr Zelensky—is Jewish, responding to Putin by asking, “How could I be a Nazi?”

This all comes after Ukraine has strengthened its connections with the European Union and other Western powers in recent years. Putin has also said that Ukraine has always been a part of Russia and that they share the same heritage. For years, Russian-backed separatists have been fighting Ukrainian forces in eastern Ukraine, making it clear that Putin wants Ukraine to be a part of Russia.

What Are the Consequences?

The consequences of the Ukraine and Russia Conflict are wide-ranging, but the greatest impact of this situation is on Ukrainian citizens. As the conflict continues to escalate and cities are targeted by Russian forces, more and more Ukrainian lives are being put at risk. Many Ukrainians have already fled their homeland and are seeking refuge in neighboring countries, while others attempt to survive in underground train terminals, bunkers, and other makeshift shelters.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that over 2 million refugees have already fled Ukraine as of March 8th. This represents the fastest-moving refugee situation in Europe since the end of World War II. The number of Ukrainian refugees is also expected to at least double as the conflict continues. 

Many Ukrainians have not been able to flee from their country, as over 400 civilians have been killed and more than 800 have been injured as of March 7th. It is estimated that those figures are much higher in reality since the conflict in different areas has delayed the reporting of information.

The Ukrainian people desperately need help from other individuals, agencies, organizations, and countries in order to find refuge and safety. The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) advocates for the rights of all uprooted people, including Ukrainian refugees currently in need. Together with our partner agencies, we are working on providing assistance to Ukrainian refugees, as well as calling on governments around the world to provide immediate support to all Ukrainians in need of protection.

With our members, the Conferences of Catholic Bishops in the USA and worldwide, we are also encouraging cease-fire zones so civilian populations can escape to safety, as well as promoting the establishment of Temporary Protection Directives so that refugees are admitted to countries where they are seeking protection. In countries bordering Ukraine, our member organizations are working to welcome and provide support to refugees fleeing the conflict.

We rely on generous donations to continue our critical work, so consider making a donation to help make a difference in the lives of Ukrainian refugees today!

About the International Catholic Migration Commission

The International Catholic Migration Commission is a nonprofit organization that protects, serves, and advocates for displaced people throughout the world. We help refugees, asylum-seekers, victims of human trafficking, and migrants of all faiths, races, and ethnicities forge lives in safety and dignity.

With support from people like you, ICMC delivers humanitarian aid and social development, protects vulnerable migrants, contributes to refugee resettlement efforts, advocates before governments, and partners with civic leaders. We seek a sustainable solution to dangerous migration and refugee crises.

Find out more by visiting our website.

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