What Is Internal Displacement?

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What Is Internal Displacement?

Most people around the world are familiar with the term “refugee,” but many don’t realize that there are specific distinctions determining who is a refugee and who is not. Refugees are defined by the 1951 Refugee Convention as anybody with a “wellfounded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, [and who] is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.”

One of the key distinguishing factors in whether someone is considered a refugee or not is if they have crossed an international border. But what about people who haven’t crossed international borders, yet are fleeing their homes due to similar reasons as refugees. This plight is referred to as internal displacement. But what exactly is internal displacement and who does it affect?

Understanding Internal Displacement

Internal displacement occurs when individuals flee their homes due to violence, conflict, or any type of persecution based on politics, religion, race, nationality, and more. However, even though these individuals flee their homes, they remain within the borders of their home country. 

Internally displaced persons do not have the same protections as refugees do under international law, so they are incredibly vulnerable and in need of assistance. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there were over 53 million individuals who were internally displaced in 2020. Most recently, around 7 million Ukrainians have been internally displaced since the Russian invasion began in late February 2022. These individuals face extreme risks, and often require outside assistance in order to reach safety.

The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) advocates for the rights of all uprooted people, including refugees, internally displaced persons, and migrants. Our efforts include protecting internally displaced children in Burkina Faso, providing assistance to Afghan refugees with our partner agencies, taking part in activism against gender-based violence towards Syrian refugees in Jordan, aiding Ukrainian refugees, and more.

We rely on donations to fund our critical humanitarian work and continue changing lives. Find out how you can make a difference and help migrants, internally displaced persons, and refugees in need today!

About the International Catholic Migration Commission

The International Catholic Migration Commission is a nonprofit organization that protects, serves, and advocates for displaced people throughout the world. We help refugees, asylum-seekers, victims of human trafficking, and migrants of all faiths, races, and ethnicities forge lives in safety and dignity.

With support from people like you, ICMC delivers humanitarian aid and social development, protects vulnerable migrants, contributes to refugee resettlement efforts, advocates before governments, and partners with civic leaders. We seek a sustainable solution to dangerous migration and refugee crises.

Find out more by visiting our website.

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