The Plight of Displaced Children

International Catholic Migration Commission Works to Aid At-Risk Youth

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The Plight of Displaced Children

All children deserve care and protection, but millions around the world must travel far from their homes, either with their families or on their own, because of disastrous circumstances. There are many reasons why children become displaced, such as poverty, natural disasters, desire for a better life, or violence in their home countries that makes it too dangerous to remain there. But, escaping danger in one place leaves these displaced children extremely vulnerable to new threats on their journeys, including smugglers, kidnappers, and human traffickers. Once they make it to their destination, displaced children must also try to fit into an unfamiliar place, learn a new language, and acclimate to a different culture. 

The spread of disease in displacement camps is nearly unavoidable due to the lack of proper healthcare, hygiene, and sanitation. With no source of income, families are sometimes forced to send their children to work instead of school. Boys become vulnerable to conscription into armed service, while girls are at risk of physical and sexual abuse. All of these difficulties leave physical and psychological scars that last a lifetime.

Because displaced children are constantly on the move, one of the major challenges in combating this crisis is the lack of sufficient data available regarding how many displaced children there are, where they are located, and what they need. However, the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) is doing its best to protect at-risk children

We’ve partnered with the Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees (CEPMR) in initiating a joint program to help protect displaced children in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Our aim is to provide healthcare, education, psychosocial care, and documentation assistance to displaced children in the region. This is another step in our mission to advocate for the rights of all uprooted people, including internally displaced people, refugees, asylum-seekers, victims of human trafficking, and migrants, regardless of faith, race, ethnicity, or nationality. Please visit our website to learn how you can help us achieve our goals.

About the International Catholic Migration Commission

The International Catholic Migration Commission is a nonprofit organization that protects, serves, and advocates for displaced people throughout the world. We help refugees, asylum-seekers, victims of human trafficking, and migrants of all faiths, races, and ethnicities forge lives in safety and dignity.

With support from people like you, ICMC delivers humanitarian aid and social development, protects vulnerable migrants, contributes to refugee resettlement efforts, advocates before governments, and partners with civic leaders. We seek a sustainable solution to dangerous migration and refugee crises.

Find out more by visiting our website.

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ICMC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN 52-1470887)